Just a Bunch of Music II
CerebralMix Episode 15: JBM II
Host: SoundChaser
September 6th, 2010
I’ve been compiling a lot of music to play on the CerebralMix, and am preparing to start working with some more thematic material again. However, in the mean time this week I just went through the backlog of stuff that I’ve accumulated over the last several months to put together a set of music that is funky, rocks, and grooves.
Closing Notes
Special thanks go out to Amy for turning me on to Triplexity.
Next weekend is the Ohio Linux Festival, but that doesn’t mean that the Cerebral Mix will be taking a break. Instead the show must go on, and things are already in place for Episodes 16 & 17.
That’s all for this week. I hope you will join me again next week for another adventure into the sounds between thoughts on The Cerebral Mix.
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