CerebrlMix 05-26-2013: Eclectic and Fun
00:00:00 SndChaser: CerebralMix Intro (CC BY-NC-SA)
00:00:50 Koji Okamoto: In Cold Districts (CC BY-NC-ND)
00:07:41 Graphiqsgroove: Ultramarine (CC BY-NC-ND)
00:13:17 The Silence Bureau: Future Composition for Ancient Machines (CC BY-NC-ND)
00:17:36 833-45: Geomagnetic Disturbance (CC BY-NC-ND)
00:25:35 Chimerical Child: My Red Balloon (CC BY-NC-ND)
00:31:07 SndChaser: CerebralMix ID 1 (CC BY-NC-SA)
00:31:24 Gate Zero: Holodeck (Tropical Illusion) (CC BY-NC-SA)
00:36:18 Stream69: Infinite Garden (CC BY-NC-ND)
00:42:25 General Fuzz: Dream Together (CC BY-NC-SA)
00:49:20 Mystified: OpR8 (CC BY-NC-ND)
00:54:23 Acidrain: Sunday (CC BY-NC-ND)
01:00:51 SndChaser: CerebralMix ID 2 (CC BY-NC-SA)
01:01:07 Bitbasic: Some sort of Thrive (CC BY-NC-SA)
01:09:03 Introspective: Gewesen (Part 2) (CC BY-NC-ND)
01:25:03 Dream Lab: Chemical Karmasutra (CC BY-NC-ND)
01:30:01 SndChaser: CerebralMix ID 3 (CC BY-NC-SA)
01:30:16 /usr/sbin: Moonglow (CC BY-NC-ND)
01:39:08 xurba: In Darker Places (CC BY-NC-ND)
01:43:49 Zen Sauvage: Inverse Entrance (CC BY-NC-ND)
01:54:16 Xerxes: Picture of Her (2004) (CC BY-NC-ND)
01:59:00 SndChaser: CerebralMix Outtro (CC BY-NC-SA)
Note: Since the original publication of this show some of the links / references in the above notes may no longer work. Additionally, some of the reference websites may have been changed to no longer reflect the Creative Commons license of these works. The licenses and links were accurate as of the original air date of this show. No warranty or guarantee is implied as to the accuracy of this information at this time.
#ccmusic #music #podcast #eclectic #downtempo #experimental #electronic